What Art Materials Do I Need For Draw Awesome?
The Draw Awesome projects broadly cover six drawing mediums:
- Graphite pencils
- Charcoal
- Ink pens
- Pastel Pencils
- Ink pens with watercolour
- Coloured pencils
These six mediums are introduced gradually so you don't need to have everything at the start. The only materials you need to begin with are those in Module A below. I'll send you a reminder a couple of weeks before each new Module so you have to time to gather what you need.
Will I Have To Spend a Fortune on Materials?
The cost of anything is obviously all relative. My wife can't believe I can spend $50 / £35 on a set of "pencil crayons"... and I can't believe she spends more than that every month on straw for her horse's bed (that's before feeding it, stabling it, vets bills, farrier bills and insurance!). As a hobby, art is cheap compared to most!
Even if you have to buy everything from scratch, these materials will last you many years and will produce hundreds of drawings!
I've also chosen materials that you will come back to again and again. They're not gimmicky - they're high-quality, time-served and extremely versatile. 👍

1. A set of graphite pencils (expand for details)
2. A sketchbook (expand for details)
3. A kneadable eraser & pencil eraser (expand for details)
4. A pencil sharpener (expand for details)
5. A blending stump (expand for details)

1. A set of black fine-liner ink pens (expand for details)
2. A white fine liner pen (expand for details)
3. A watercolour pad (expand for details)
4. A couple of watercolour brushes (expand for details)
5. Black watercolour paint (expand for details)
What about a palette?
Module G & Beyond
In the final 5 modules, we'll be creating art projects using the materials listed above.
The only new item you'll need is for the final module (Module K) where we draw on grey toned paper.
I use a 9 x 12 inch drawing pad by Strathmore and Strathmore also make a very similar mixed media pad of grey paper. The mixed media pad is better at holding watercolour paint but is more expensive for the number of sheets you get. Either pad is fine or another brand of grey drawing paper.

Download The Materials List
You can get everything above from Amazon (US or UK). If you prefer to shop locally, a well-stocked art store will have most, if not all, of the above. Just avoid general craft stores which have a more limited range of art supplies.
If you want to shop online but prefer to independent art retailers, here are some to try:
Blick: https://www.dickblick.com/
Cheap Joes: https://www.cheapjoes.com/
Jerry's Artsarama: https://www.jerrysartarama.com/
Michaels: https://www.michaels.com/
Cass Art: https://www.cassart.co.uk/
Great Art: https://www.greatart.co.uk/
Jacksons: https://www.jacksonsart.com/
Ken Bromely's: https://www.artsupplies.co.uk/
Download Printable List